function_test.js文件 /* * * @author Sam Lin * @date:February 14 ,2007 * @contact: */ function $() { var elements = new Array(); for ( var i = 0 ;i < arguments.length;i ++ ) { // 取得参数的每一个值 var element = arguments[i]; if (typeofelement == ' string ' ) element = document.getElementById(element); // 如果只是一个参数则返回 if (arguments.length == 1 ) returnelement; elements.push(element); } returnelements; } // 初始化XMLHttpRequest var xmlHttp; function InitiateXMLHttpRequest() { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { xmlHttp = new window.XMLHttpRequest(); } else { try { xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject( " Msxml2.XMLHTTP " ); } catch (e){ try { xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject( " Microsoft.XMLHTTP " ); } catch (e) { xmlHttp = false ; } } } returnxmlHttp; } function CallServer(url) { if (xmlHttp) { " GET " ,url, true ); xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = DoCallBack; xmlHttp.send( null ); } } function DoCallBack() { var msg = $( " divMessage " ).innerHTML; if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4 ) { msg += " Callback the server successful!<br/>ResponseText: " + xmlHttp.responseText + " <br /> " ; } else { msg += " State: " + xmlHttp.readyState + " <br /> " ; } }
<% @ Page Language = " C# " ContentType = " text/html " ResponseEncoding = " gb2312 " %> <! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN""" > < html xmlns ="" > < head > < meta http-equiv ="Content-Type" content ="text/html;charset=gb2312" /> < script type ="text/javascript" src ="function_test.js" ></ script > < scripttype ="text/javascript" > functiontest() { var objTest = $( " txtName " ); alert(objTest.value); } var xmlHttp = InitiateXMLHttpRequest(); alert(xmlHttp); functionCallServer(url) { if (xmlHttp) { if ($( " txtName " ).value == "" ) { alert( " 用户名不用为空! " ); return ; } else { url += $( " txtName " ).value; } " POST " ,url, true ); xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = DoCallBack; xmlHttp.send( null ); } } functionDoCallBack() { var msg = $( " divMessage " ).innerHTML; // msg ="HH"; var tmp = "" ; if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4 ) { document.getElementById( " results " ).innerHTML = xmlHttp.responseText; msg += " Callback the server successful!<br/>ResponseText: " + xmlHttp.responseText + " <br /> " ; tmp += " Callback the server successful!<br/>ResponseText: " + xmlHttp.responseText + " <br /> " ; } else { msg += " State: " + xmlHttp.readyState + " <br /> " ; tmp += " State: " + xmlHttp.readyState + " <br /> " ; } alert(msg); } // var sTemp= document.getElementById("spanMessage"); // alert(sTemp.innerHTML); functionTest() { alert($( " lblMessage " ).innerHTML); } </ script > < title > 无标题文档 </ title > </ head > < body MS_POSITIONING ="GridLayout" > < formid ="Form1" method ="post" runat ="server" > < inputtype ="text" id ="txtName" name ="txtName" > < input type ="button" id ="btnOk" name ="btnOk" value ="OK" onclick ="javascript:test()" > < br /> < inputtype ="button" value ="CallBack" id ="btnCallBack" onclick ="CallServer('http://localhost/ch33/sendCallBack.aspx?name=')" /> < divid ="divMessage" ></ div > < spanid ="spanMessage" > t </ span > < asp:Label ID ="lblMessage" runat ="server" > OOO-- </ asp:Label > < inputtype ="button" id ="btnTest" value ="Test" onclick ="Test()" /> </ form > < div id ="results" ></ div > </ body > </ html >
ajax.aspx.cs文件 Page_Load事件如下: private void Page_Load( object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // 在此处放置用户代码以初始化页面 if (Request.QueryString[ " name " ] == null ) { Response.Write( " Sorry the programe is wrong! " ); } else { string name = Request.QueryString[ " name " ].ToString(); Response.Write( " Welcome to use callback : " + name); }